Affiliate marketing - the beginner's guide Booking Amazon and courses in the field

lazy? Here is the summary of the guide: Affiliate marketing is a field where you get paid to market other people's products. You find these products in partner networks. In addition, you can find an affiliate program on companies' websites. For example, Booking's affiliate marketing program, or Amazon's.

The affiliate network that I think is the most recommended in Israel is Dingdong, and here is the affiliate marketing course that I recommend the most: Training [free] Yarin Barry Spartacus

Why affiliate marketing?

Easy life - the marketer's life is easier and less dangerous than any business owner. No need to create a product, no customer service, renting a place, maintaining inventory, etc. They deal purely with marketing.

Big money, the sky is the limit - you are not limited by location (cafe owner), or target audience (diet product owner).

In addition, there are fewer worries such as what will happen if the market weakens or competitors enter. A new strong competitor is a big problem for product or business owners. As a marketer, within 3 clicks you exchange and market it.

Where are affiliate marketing programs?

In 2018, most of the big companies have affiliate programs. Examples:

  1. Online shopping - Ali Express, Amazon, Walla Shops and more.
  2. Investment firms.
  3. Studies - universities, colleges, English courses, online courses.
  4. Software - software for graphic design, web promotion, hosting companies and more.
  5. Gyms, suppliers of protein powders.
  7. The list goes on. You will find an affiliate program for almost any field you choose. Your job is to find a good product, and market it to the right people.

How do you start and where do you find products to market?

The first source you should start with is an affiliate network. You can find the following review in the article Recommended partner network - partner networks. Things are well organized there, there are dozens of offers that you can start marketing today. Tourism, sports, diet, studies, almost anything you can think of.

Some large partner networks in Israel:

  • clickon
  • wesell
  • Ding Dong Partners


  • clickbank
  • jvzoo

In addition, many large websites, especially in English, have affiliate programs. Usually you will see a link on websites called affiliate, or something similar through which you can register. The details of the fees are usually listed there.

Affiliate Marketing - Booking Join Link
Affiliate marketing for beginners - Booking's opt-in link

Affiliate Marketing Booking

Yes, now it's official. It is possible to do affiliate marketing for the Booking network in Israel, and in Hebrew. What do they offer?

  • Hotel marketing - you can market a specific hotel in the city.
  • Marketing by city - referral to hotels by city.
  • Direct reference to the site - even someone who has reached the general page and closed your way will earn you a commission.

The amount of the commission - booking

The commission you receive ranges from 25% to 40% of the total commission. The total booking fee depends on the hotel, the size of the reservation, the number of nights and more. For example, I received on average between 10 and 20 euros commission per order.

The main disadvantage is that the network does not save cookies. That is, if someone closes the window and enters again, he will not tell you. In my experience, it's best to market other things (see affiliate networks above).

A short tutorial on opening a booking affiliate marketing user:

Good courses - affiliate marketing

There are many good courses. especially in English. Personally, I like to take a strong foundation course, then expand the knowledge with the help of courses of a certain platform. 

For example, take a Spartacus course that includes lessons, accompaniment and a group to learn from. After that, take another course on each subject separately to become even more professional. For example, a complete course on building landing pages.

Buy the course now. Just kidding, but at least start watching the free part of it.

Affiliate marketing short course (free)

The problem of learning from YouTube

There are many free videos on YouTube. Some are even really good. But the training there is not organized, and things don't build on each other gradually. Also, the quality of the videos is not guaranteed and neither is the quality of the lecturers. In addition, there is no organized homework that will ensure good progress.

This leads to a great waste of time, duplication, misinformation, many mistakes, and much despair. YouTube videos help to complete, enrich, and solve specific problems, after you already have a strong foundation.

on marketing and traffic sources

A traffic source is a platform through which you can bring people. For that matter, restaurant owners in the mall receive "traffic" of people who come. On the Internet, a traffic source is anywhere people are. Facebook groups, forums, YouTube, Google searches, Instagram and the like. If you have a way to bring people from there, you have "potential assets" that, if used correctly, you can make money from.

Your Facebook groups, Instagram page with thousands of followers, YouTube video with many views, each of them is a source of traffic. If those people come to the product and buy, through your link, you will receive a commission.

If you don't have a source of traffic, you can "buy traffic" (advertise on Google or Facebook Tabula and more) and send those people to your partner's offer. Here the goal is to buy cheap, people who buy.

List of common traffic sources

  • Social networks - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.
  • Search engines - Google, Bing, Yahoo
  • Video - YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe
  • Promotion of articles - Tabula, Ottbrain
  • Blogs - Blogger, WordPress, website blogs
  • Forums - Orange, fxp, for traveler (booking marketing) and the like

Basic concepts for beginners in affiliate marketing 

Lid - a person who has left his details and agrees to receive information or offers from you, by phone or email.

Partner networks - the middleman between you and the products you want to sell.

Affiliate link - the link through which you market. There is tracking who clicked on the link.

Mailing lists - a collection of leads (people) to whom you can send emails.

Organic advertising - free advertising. For example, Facebook groups, forums, building a blog and promoting on Google.

Commission – your percentage of profit from each sale. If your commission is 40% and the product cost NIS 1000, then your commission is NIS 400.

Sponsored advertising - advertising for which you pay. You can buy leads for mailing lists and then sell to them, or send them directly to the product.

CPC - cost per click. How much does a human click cost you?

Campaign - an advertisement that you have built.

Niche - subfield. For example, a niche in the field of diet is a diet for mothers.

Marketing funnel - the process of selling a product in several stages. Example of a funnel: You sent several emails. Instead of sending someone directly to the product, you can send them a series of emails with good content and the last email will be the product.

Landing page - a page whose purpose is to bring leads. Usually a page with a box where you can leave an email and in return you will get access to a guide, a booklet, a video, a series of emails, etc.

Is this field for me? 

If you don't connect with marketing, sales, and advertising, most of the things you can do on the Internet are not for you. You are welcome to go out into the real world to do a one and a half month course and become a locksmith and that's it. For the locks course, click here: Locksmith course.

If you like marketing and advertising, are interested in it, and are willing to invest (time and money in the short term) this field is really worth checking out. The field does not require much time later (after building a campaign it can run for months on its own without being touched). But for the third and last time, before you buy anything watch the tutorialthis

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