A bit like winning the lottery but with much higher and more realistic chances.
Registering for an apartment in the lottery can give you a home at an affordable price, and help you make a lot of money in a very short period of time.
Usually the prices were much lower than the market price (sometimes even 20-30% less, and this can reach hundreds of thousands of shekels!)
There used to be a price for the tenant, which has now been replaced by a target price, so for anyone who asked me about "lottery apartments", and is interested, here are some basic things.
Registration - lottery for apartments: basic conditions
First of all, at least as far as I know you have to be residents of Yeshalim. Not obvious, because there are many Jews abroad who would be happy to accept this discount.
Married couples can register for the lottery. But not only them, also known in the public, and also couples who are going to get married in the next 3 months.
Individuals - even if they are single and if they are divorced or in element can register over the age of 25.
You can also register over the age of 21 under certain conditions, you have to check it a little more compared to, but I also know such cases.
Maybe there are other sections, I think it's worth visitingSite of every right check it out
How to Register?
Enter the registration site of Apartment at a discount Choose a locality and plan and fill in your details.
There are some details about the program there. One of the more interesting details is the price per square meter. This is a very important figure that should help you estimate what the price of the apartment will be.
For example, a 100-meter apartment (which is a really big apartment in my opinion), with a cost of 12,028, should cost in the region of 1,202,800. Today's prices are a great deal.
If you've ever thought about studying the field of sales in depth and becoming a professional, you've come to the right place. So what characterizes a good salesperson?
A good clarification of the customer's needs and motivations - does the customer need a powerful car? Fuel efficient? Maybe spacious for the kids? Every good sales process starts with clarifying the customer's motivations and needs. Excellent body language - a good salesperson is confident in what he says, and knows how to transmit it to the other party.
Creating "closeness" with the customer - one of the most important characteristics of sales is a connection with the customer. And no, it's not just a matter of chemistry, and you can learn it. One of the common techniques is called rapport (mirroring the client's body language).
Good handling of objections - there are products that are easy to sell, such as clothes. But that's not where the big money is, and in the big or difficult products the commission is much higher. In these products, many objections will arise such as "the product is expensive", or "give me some time to think about it".
How much can you earn as a salesperson?
In most cases, salespeople will have a base salary (not necessarily a minimum salary) and commissions. Because of the composition of the salary, the salary of the salespeople is very different. A strong salesperson can earn a salary of over NIS 15,000 at the very beginning, without a degree or certificate.
Is there a recommended course on the subject?
You have here Great free mini course of Marina Lahin and Itamar Ben Hur. I would recommend you start from here and work your way up. In the second episode of the series, you will learn exactly which areas you should focus on (for example, cars).
If you are satisfied with the video series, their company also has a great paid training. But before we even talk about it, you are welcome to register here and watch in the first episode.
If you are thinking of buying a ready-made, running and profitable business, at a low price, the following article was written for you. We are going to talk about what an internet property is, the pros and cons, and how to choose a successful one.
What is an internet property anyway?
Internet properties are usually divided into the following types:
Traffic source - a place where internet surfers visit. For example, a website, a Facebook page with followers, an email distribution list, etc. This site for example is a "traffic source".
Content products - for example, an online book, a course, a manual, YouTube videos, etc. You can sell the content sources (for example, write a book or course and sell it) or use them to increase traffic sources. For example, we can bring a short guide as a gift to everyone who joins the list of followers in our email.
Ads (advertisement) and landing pages that convert - these assets help us increase our clientele in a funded way. A Facebook ad, for example, is a ready-made advertisement on Facebook that works well (many people click on it, and sign up for our list through it).
Funnels - sales processes prepared in stages. For example, a series of emails in which our reader receives quality content every day. Some emails have links to our offer, and the sales process happens automatically.
The downside of an internet business
The main disadvantage of an internet property is the dynamism of the market. A site that was first on Google today, could be third in a year. A Facebook page with thousands of followers can fade. In general, the field is moving fast. for better and for worse.
If so, I still think that an internet business is a good investment for the following reasons:
Low costs and profit margins you won't see anywhere else - you don't have to pay rent, electricity, property taxes, etc. For example, I have a distribution list with almost 1000 followers, whose only costs (mailing system) amount to less than NIS 100.
Risk and low price - for the price of a small coffee shop you can buy tens or even hundreds of internet properties.
Automation - unlike a physical business, an internet business can work completely automatically. Email series, for example, are prepared once, and are automatically sent to everyone who joins the list.
How to find a profitable business for sale?
The best place to start is to shop A ready-made affiliate network business. These networks have built hundreds of funnels, in dozens of different fields. Usually you will also be given some guidance that will help you in the beginning (unlike other places where once you have bought the business it is already your business only).
After you gain some experience in the field you can start to identify good content sources, or traffic sources, and buy each of them separately.
It is important for me to emphasize that, as in any field, the Internet also has "tuition fees" and in the beginning it is likely that you will make some mistakes. The only difference is that on the Internet, mistakes are very cheap, unlike in the physical world, and they are also discovered much faster.
How to begin?
If you want to hear more details, I can recommend watching the following video of one of the largest affiliate networks in Israel. The video will reveal to you all the numbers (potential costs and profits), and give you all the highlights you need before buying an internet business. To watch the video:
After dozens of my followers asked me about courses in the capital market, I decided to give you a short overview of the two courses that I feel very comfortable recommending. Both have free mini-courses, which will allow you to taste, experiment, and gain a lot of practical knowledge and value before purchasing the full program.
in short:
the most profitable – Trade tribe – The course is well structured, and conveys all the basics of the capital market completely free of charge. About the free content in the course, many bodies (names don't matter) charge a lot of money to teach.
The best quality – Big shot - Friends I know who studied there "do school" for those who studied elsewhere. The course presents "Israeli" strategies for trading and identifying opportunities.
What is learned in the Tradetribe course
As in every course there is the basic part of the basic concepts, stocks, long short, etc. This may be the least interesting part, but it really doesn't hurt to know it. After that they start talking about risk management, trading orders, identifying profit opportunities, and reading charts.
Later we come to advanced strategies. This is the important, interesting and unique part of every study course. Here experience plays an important role, and can save you years of mistakes and despair. If you feel like it, you are welcome to watch in the first episode.
What is so special about Big Shot?
In big shot, the basics are taught quite well, and you progress relatively quickly to the interesting part. Their program presents "different" strategies than the norm, which have proven to work much better, and this is actually their competitive advantage. I am not authorized to publish their methods here, but I can only say that they "know what they are doing". You have here A series of videos. invites you to see for yourself.
My recommendation
If you ask me, you don't buy a cat in a bag. That's exactly why you have quality free content that you can enjoy. Watch the lessons, learn from them, and see if you connect. Successfully!
After many of you asked me about which affiliate marketing course I recommend, I decided to pick up the gauntlet and review the best courses I know for the field. starting
An active affiliate marketing business with accompaniment and a course from the Ding Dong chain
The best offer I've seen on the market is from Ding Dong. The offer includes 1) their full course in which you will learn:
Marketing on Facebook
Content marketing - Ottobrain
Marketing through content - tabula
Marketing writing and copywriting
Opening a business in Israel
And basically everything you need to know to get started in the field
In the last month the network broke the market, and for the price of a standard course in the field, she will build you a ready and active affiliate marketing business (just click play on the campaign). The business includes ads, tested landing pages, a series of emails, mailing and advertising accounts and more.
Due to clear time limitations (there is no time to build a business for everyone) the offer is based on available space, and for serious people only.
The bottom line: You'll get great value for money, a smooth start, and most importantly, a good chance of succeeding in an area where the 95% fails. For full details watch the video - An active affiliate marketing business
*Last bonus the offer includes full escort for a whole year!
The marketer community course of the Spark network
This course is built in a very different format, and is directly connected to one of the strongest networks in Israel. There are very rewarding offers there (over NIS 120 per lead) and the number of resellers is limited so there is no competition.
Among the course contents:
Google marketing
in the table
and more
In addition, there is weekly live content where they show marketing of offers from the network (offers that you can also market).
The uniqueness of the network and the course is that you have to pay a monthly fee to be a member of the community (something that can be easily sponsored with 2 leads per month). The advantage is clear - because the number of marketers is limited, competition is much easier and advertising is much cheaper.
The bottom line: If you are looking for the best quality, this is a great program for you.
Email marketing course - Spartacus
Another worthwhile course I know is the Spartacus course by Yarin Barry. The course is high-quality, comprehensive and presents a new approach to affiliate marketing. The course presents new strategies such as "amplifier page" to improve the conversion of sales pages and lead pages and more.
Some of the course contents:
Email marketing
Building a following, and strengthening the relationship with him
Building long-term relationships KLT How to get your audience to trust you and love you and get to know you and your brand
Sponsored advertising on various platforms, building conversion landing pages and more
The bottom line: The Spartacus course is also a nice course. Its main disadvantage is that, unlike the other courses, there is no partner network that backs it up.
What about the other courses?
There are many courses on the market. Some of them I don't know, and some of them I simply don't recommend. If you choose one of the 3 courses I mentioned, you will get an excellent return for your investment, and the chances that you will succeed in the field will be high.
Today I want to give you a brief overview of the Spartacus training program 2 working days a week
Is this even possible?
Definitely! And from experience, it is also possible for less. I had weeks where I didn't touch the computer at all and still had a nice income. Time is not what plays here. What is important is mostly the knowledge, and the value you learn to provide.
Why does time play no role here?
Record earnings while I'm on the bus
Today there are tools for automation. You can schedule posts for another month on the website, publish posts for another week on Facebook, upload videos for the next 3 months to YouTube or send a series of emails for a year.
You can sit all day and write 52 emails full of good content. You schedule these emails for once a week, and this way you have a relationship with the customers that is built over a year where every week they receive quality content from you.
How do you generate revenue at the end?
Once you have a group of followers who trust you and have received quality information from you, sending them offers is the easy part. Hotels on Booking, products on AliExpress, stores on Shopify... you can market anything today and receive a commission.
How do I learn more?
You have here A series of videos Excellent. The series is by Yarin Barry, one of the strongest marketers in Israel. I recommend you start here.
Is Yarin Barry's training program good?
In my personal opinion, Yarin's program is the best in Israel for affiliate marketing. The program focuses on strategies for building relationships with customers, and building long-term assets (like mailing lists of people who trust you and love you).
Have you heard about the webinar yet?
There is a webinar this Thursday at exactly 9 pm. In the webinar Yarin is going to show live how to build an internet property from 0. Click after click. This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn and impress yourself. To register Lobiner: Internet business webinar from 0.
What is the role of an affiliate network and what makes it successful
A partner network is an "intermediary" factor between business owners and marketers. The brokerage is reflected in bringing in new business owners, tracking conversions, payments and more.
In short, she does all the dirty work behind the scenes. A good partner network for marketers is measured mainly by the following parameters:
The amount of offers for online marketing
The quality of offers and advertisers
Fast update rate and optimizations
Support and response to marketers
Value Added
A recommended partner network will be one with a variety of quality offers from different fields. One that has collaborations with large parties in the economy (eg colleges and universities).
Ding Dong Affiliate Network
In my personal opinion, Ding Dong is the most recommended Israeli partner network. Especially for beginners.
Value Added: Constant improvement of the landing pages and many tutorials for beginners. In addition, they build funnels (series of emails) that reach customers and help improve conversion rates.
With funnels ready, and landing pages that convert, all that's left for you as a marketer is to build a good ad. They do everything else for you.
The second bonus that is special to them is the possibility to build your own landing pages and synchronize them with the system. You can check which ads convert best, and build a landing page that is adapted to them.
Amount of offers: over 60.
Quality of offers: Some of the offers are from large bodies in the economy (for example Psagot College), and some from lesser known bodies (for example cooking workshops). Ding Dong usually drops non-converting offers.
Ding Dong's training course is the most accessible training course in terms of price that I know of for affiliate marketing in Israel.
In addition, the fact that the course is backed by a partner network that has dozens of their own products gives the course an "unfair" relative advantage over most other courses. In the course they show examples of products from the network. In short, I strongly recommend the combination of the course and the marketing of the online offers.
Ding Dong partner network - offers from within the system
Spark Marketing
Value Added: Very strong lead offers: the chain only specializes in lead offers, and there are offers with a very high commission (over NIS 100 per lead). Among its lead offers you can find offers for insurance, real estate, courses in the capital market, health and beauty and more.
Spark's community is a closed affiliate network for community members. The advantage of this is that the competition is much smaller, and advertising is much cheaper. To become a member of the community you have to pay a monthly subscription fee (which can be easily sponsored with 2 leads).
You pay subscription fees for:
To support the group and answer questions
Weekly live where they show online offer campaigns
Value Added: Collaborations with strong and large bodies. Among these collaborations you can find the El-Al airline ISTA, the Open University, laser hair removal, the comparison site zap and more.
The network is not suitable for beginners, and not all offers convert. However, people with some experience definitely have something to work with.
Another difficulty I had on the network is that the advertisers have to approve the marketers, which takes time and the ways of advertising are limited. In some offers it is allowed to market only in PPC, some only in blogs.
Amount of offers: over 50.
Quality of offers: Most of the online offers are from recognized entities. If so, it is recommended to check the dissection pages, and the publication conditions of each offer should be checked.
Very similar to the clickon network. It has the same owners, and the system is built similarly. The main differences between the networks are the different offers. If you have already registered for one, there is no reason not to register for the second.
When I signed up for the clickon and wesell networks I was asked questions like:
What are your marketing methods?
Do you have a website? If so, the number of monthly visitors?
How many years of experience do you have?
But networks don't approve everyone, so if you're a complete beginner, I'd advise you to play around a bit.
A network that has existed since 2013, but I only discovered it last month. At first glance, it seems that there are good offers there, and a little different from the other chains. For example, offering leads to lawyers or car rentals. More unusual offers: Tami4, Mi Eden, housing solutions for the elderly and more.
Of the Israeli networks I have seen, this is the network with the most offers in English.
Almost every large company abroad today has partner programs. Amazon, Ali Express, the hotel website Booking and more. Even large Israeli companies like El Al and Ista have such a program. There is no shortage of offers to market. The main thing is to start.
How to find and sign up for a company's affiliate program
You can find a link to register at the bottom of the page, usually under the caption affiliate, or partner program. You will usually have to fill out some form. In some cases you will be approved automatically, and in some cases a representative will talk to you.
As soon as you search, you will be surprised to find out how many companies have such a program. For example, I ordered a protein shake at iherb 3-4 times until I saw that they have an affiliate program.
Recent highlights
The most important thing is not to scatter. In my opinion it is worth focusing on one network, and even focusing even more and marketing one or two products. Concentration is one of the most important resources we have. Remember the sentence that the author of the book One Thing said: "If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, you won't catch either of them."
Remember! One network - one offer. After you've succeeded with her, move on to more offers.
Today I'm going to give you a short tutorial on my favorite affiliate network. The network is called Ding Dong. I like it for many reasons such as the ready-made funnels or the ability to build your own landing page.
But before we start... I have a question for you. Are you already earning a salary from affiliate marketing? If not, you're probably doing something wrong. Then I recommend you (and even implore you) to stop everything and watch this tutorial:
After you're done watching read on. Don't worry, we're not going anywhere :).
Registration to the partner network
Anyone can sign up for the affiliate network for free. It is suitable for both complete beginners and advanced users. You can start marketing dozens of products for a respectable commission. I invite you to register for the network now at Affiliate network joining page and start looking at the products for marketing.
What products can be marketed in the Ding Dong affiliate network?
The network has over 60 offers, and it is constantly growing. Some examples of online offers:
Courses - NLP, locksmithing, building applications, the capital market.
E-books - how to build a happy relationship, financial management of the household, how to bring leads to the business.
Services - pain management, English studies in confectionary, business accountant (annual report).
Physical products that can be ordered home.
Some products have very high fees. For example, selling an NLP course will earn you a commission of NIS 1000 for one sale! Of course you don't have to make the sale (there is a sales center) yourself. You only bring those interested.
There are also cheaper products (for example a guide on how to make money in affiliate marketing). These products have a low commission, but they are sold more easily (for example, an affiliate marketing guide costs NIS 59, commission is about NIS 30).
Do you get a commission only on sales?
Some offers in the affiliate network have a per-lead payment model. That is, the payment of an interested bull. For example, for every interested person (even one who did not purchase) in the capital market course, you can receive a commission of NIS 50. Currently, the network has over 10 lead offers in various fields.
You have Explanatory video on the system below the registration form (scroll down a bit).
How do I bring people after I've registered?
In the beginning you can bring traffic for free. How do you do that?
Forums - enter the forums relevant to the product. Write a message in which you describe the product, explain why you should buy it, or at least read more information, and put your affiliate link
Facebook groups - enter the appropriate groups, and share the product you have chosen. Later you will be able to establish your own groups and thus build long-term "assets".
YouTube videos - another way to get traffic (people) for free is to upload videos to YouTube. For example, for a product that teaches household budget management, you could create a video that teaches how to save money. At the end of the video you will put a link to the full guide.
After you are a little seasoned and make the first commissions, it is recommended to start moving to paid advertising (where the big money is). How It Works?
You upload an ad (for example a Facebook ad) of the product. You pay for clicks, and everyone who bought through you earns you a commission. The trick here is to spend less than you put in. For example, spending NIS 30 on advertising, which brings in NIS 150 commission from sales.
Once you know how to advertise cheaply, advertising that brings sales, there is no limit to the amount of money you can make. You can gradually increase the advertising budget from 30 shekels to 300, and instead of earning 150, earn 1500, and so on.
So what do I do now?
A. If you haven't signed up for Ding Dong's affiliate network yet, now is the time:
B. Start marketing! For starters, you'll start driving traffic to the offers. It takes some time to get to sales, so start with small successes. For example clicks. Set an easy goal like having 10 people click on my post. Then move on to measuring leads. And so on. The main thing is to create a momentum of success.
Anyway, if you haven't watched Ding Dong's video yet now is the time.
Amazon has entered Israel and this is your chance to learn the field, be the first and earn. Such an opportunity is seen once in a decade! so lets start
Is it possible to earn from Amazon?
Tens of millions of dollars worth of goods are sold on Amazon every day. And in general? A large part of the sales does not come from large companies, but from businesses or private individuals. Just like me and you.
There are hundreds of people who make a living from Amazon (it's their job). Some have become new millionaires in the past year. So the answer is yes, you can definitely earn. I don't promise that it will be easy, but with the right persistence and the right guidance it is definitely possible.
Is it possible to succeed without a course?
certainly! There are many entrepreneurs who succeeded without an organized course. A course is a kind of "shortcut" that can help you achieve 2-year results in 4-5 months. Mainly depending on the experience of the instructor.
The course I recommend
Here is a link toFirst 3 lessons free In the Amazon course I recommend. Over 800 students have already taken the course, and there are groups with 24/7 support.
Working in a group is like a "jet engine" for progress. Everyone pushes each other, learns from the experience of others and lifts you up in the difficult moments.
The contents of the course are arranged in a structured order, step by step. Each time we advance one step. Some of the contents include:
Setting up a store on Amazon - all the technical parts you need to know. Buying the products from suppliers, shipping, storage on Amazon, etc.
Choosing winning products and identifying opportunities - identifying "holes" where you can enter, analyzing competitors, examining demand and the amount of orders, and more. Holes are places where there is demand, and there is not enough supply (for example, a product that sells a lot, and is constantly running out of stock).
Marketing and the human mind - the most interesting and important part of the course. How to sell through words. Once you know this, you can succeed in any internet business you choose.
and more.
Ok how do we start?
One picture is worth a thousand words, and one video is worth a thousand pictures. So without further ado:
Today we are going to talk about a boring, Sisyphean, but very important topic. how to save money First of all so that you understand one thing. A shekel you save equals more weight you gain. Why? In a word, taxes. how much more Between 12%-50% more. sometimes even more than that. Depends on the tax bracket you are in.
There are ways to save money without compromising the quality of life. So without further ado, here are our 3 methods:
Method number 1 - saving on insurance (even if you don't remember doing it)
You have a lot more insurance than you think. It is enough to look at the payslip to find that out.
Removing duplicates in insurance - Many people spend tens of thousands of shekels during their lifetime on "double insurance". What does that actually mean? that they have 2 insurances that cover the exact same thing. For example, private and workplace disability insurance. In addition, this duplication creates a mess in case you need to use insurance. Who is the company responsible for paying you?
In short, you pay double and get a headache.
You have a company here that gives you a free test, and makes the transition for you. Enter here, leave details and they will "close the corner for you" For the free insurance check. They collect the money from the insurance companies so there is nothing to worry about.
More expensive insurance - In 2016, the Ministry of Finance was reformed. Without going into technical details, the reform allows a faster and easier transition between insurance companies, and also compares the policies. What actually happens is that a price competition opens up, and the prices go down.
Why is it so worth it?
Because your quality of life is not affected on the one hand, and on the other hand you can save hundreds of shekels every month. In short, equal. I invite you to do the test today. I know it sounds boring, and annoying, but really it's easy and fast. To perform a duplicate check and compare insurance prices
Method number 2 - saving electricity
Did you know that electricity is more expensive during peak hours? It turns out that the cost of electricity depends not only on how much electricity you consumed, but when you consumed it. And then comes the question... so why don't we turn on the air conditioner?
Well, an air conditioner might be a must. But a washing machine, for example, can be operated during less busy hours. And if we have already talked about the air conditioner, one of the best investments is a new and economical air conditioner. Enjoy a better air conditioner, and return the investment in electricity savings.
Method number 3 - saving on weddings
It's a bit annoying, but incredibly effective. I'm not saying you shouldn't go to weddings, but I am saying you don't always have to come together. Today it is customary to put between NIS 300-500 per person. That is, if you come without your partner, you save between 300 and 500 shekels in one evening. Let's say you go to an average wedding once every two months, it comes out to between 1800 and 3000 NIS in savings per year.
One last thing to finish
If you don't want your quality of life to suffer, it's better to start cutting back on insurance (link above). If you want to go a little deeper, and conduct yourself more financially, it's worth checking out theThe following guide to correct financial conduct.